“I have hated words and I have loved them, and I hope I have made them right.” ― Markus Zusak, The Book Thief

It’s not
such an unknown fact that words affect people. What people say matter to us, whether
the words are directed at us or to someone else. There's even a love language dedicated solely to words - words of affirmation. People who have this love
language express and receive love the most by what is said. Positive
reaffirming words matter the most to these people. So, negative words can be
the most hurtful. In Tammy
Klind’s Ted Talk “How to Save a Life,” she says that “words are currency,” and
they have more value than gold, diamonds, or the money in your bank account. She says, “Words can build and words can destroy. Words can
strengthen and words can weaken and break.”
So what
happens when we hear what other people are saying? How does our brain respond
to them, and why do they affect us so much? To start with, Sophie Scott, an
expert in speech neurobiology at University College London, has found that “the
brain takes speech and separates it into words and "melody" - the
varying intonation in speech that reveals mood, gender and so on.” Words are
taken to the left temporal lobe for processing, and the melody is taken to the
right side of the brain, which is a region stimulated by music. The whole speech and listening process is very complicated, yet amazing.

For the
article, “The Psychology of Language: Why Are Some Words More Persuasive Than
Others?” Leo Widrich’s research on speech and persuasive communication led him
to discover that adjectives are the enemy. He says that adjectives “make a
listener or reader lose trust… [and] using less words builds trust.” Adding
words that are meaningless can make someone else lose interest in what you’re
If you are
really trying to capture someone’s attention, there is one word that is
believed to be the “#1 power word out of a supposed 12.” That word is “you,” or
your own name. Gregory Ciotti says, “According to recent research examining
brain activation, few things light us up quite like seeing our own names in
print or on the screen. Our names are intrinsically tied to our self-perception
and make up a massive part of our identity.” When someone uses our name, we
trust them more, and we also pay attention more. If you don’t believe the power
that your name has, just think about whenever one of your parents uses your
full name – it creates a very strong feeling inside of you (usually one of
fear, because you’re probably in trouble).

Because it
is so easy to accept this kind of labeling, the negativity or positivity of the
words we use are very important. Newberg says, “Starting in childhood, humans’
brains are molded by the words they hear, and they claim that teaching children
to use positive words helps them with emotional control and can even increase
their attention spans.” He believes that people are very reactive, and that as
soon as we hear something, we have emotional responses before even realizing
what we’re listening to. This is also true for whenever we look at someone,
because parts of our brain reflect their expressions within ourselves. That is
why smiles are contagious.
Newberg and
co-author of their book, Mark Waldman, also posted an article for Pyschology Today titled, “The Most
Dangerous Word in the World.” They explain the effects that negative and
positive words have on our brains. They have found that are brains are hardwired
to worry and have a lot of reactions to negativity, possibly to help us survive
and alarm us to threats. If you were in an fMRI scanner and the word “no” was flashed
in front of you for less than one second, “you’d see a sudden release of dozens
of stress-producing hormones and neurotransmitters. These chemicals immediately
interrupt the normal functioning of your brain, impairing logic, reason,
language processing, and communication.”

Though it
may be difficult, if you want to live a healthier and happier life, and not
harm other people, you need to change your negative words into positive words,
which will require a great deal of effort. I was once told that when he hear a
positive story, we’ll share it with one person, but when we hear a negative
one, we’ll share it with ten (this is not accounting for social media). The
reason is that our brains barely respond to positive words and thoughts,
because “they’re not a threat to our survival, so the brain doesn’t need to
respond as rapidly as it does to negative thoughts and words.”
To be more
positive, we must “repetitiously and consciously generate as many positive
thoughts as we can.” It is a choice to be positive, and for your own mental
health, it is important to “generate at least three positive thoughts and
feelings for each expression of negativity.” Researchers have found, though, “that
if you want your business and your personal relationships to really flourish,
you’ll need to generate at least five positive messages for each negative
utterance you make.”

Crossick, chief executive of the Arts and Humanities Research Board, says, “Language
is at the very heart of what makes us human… It is about how we think,
understand the world and communicate with each other.” Kling says that humans
are three parts: mind, body, and soul. When the mind is suffering, there are psychologists,
and when the body is suffering, there are doctors. But when people are still
suffering, it is because “we are neglecting the thing that's unseen – the soul.”
We can’t see that when the words enter our minds, they often settle in our
p.s. I’d like to end with a poem by a cat:
I am intelligent
I am attractive
I am powerful
I am proactive
I have value
I have health
I have strength
I am surrounded by love
I am a beacon of hope
That was a hairball
And I am a cat
And what just happened
I am fine with that
-Actually by Francisco Marciuliano, I Could Pee On This
I love the poem.
ReplyDeletePositive words and positive thinking is the fuel that lights up our soul.
This is so true words hurt ♡ great blog♡