“Fatigue, discomfort, discouragement are merely symptoms of effort.”
Morgan Freeman
I have been spending a lot of time this summer working on a novel that I started four years ago. I've been trying to develop it more, and give more depth to the characters and situation. Even though I wrote the basic plot from beginning to end in about three months, the task of figuring out more about the world and characters has been colossal. Every time I work on a scene, I'm faced with a whole lot of questions I have to try and answer, even though I don't always know the answer yet. And then, if I do figure it out, I have to try to find a way to reveal it in the story somehow. It's all very daunting. When I think of how much I still don't know about my story and all the work that lays ahead, I just get discouraged.
Whenever I’m
discouraged, I just feel like there is nothing I can do about it. Being discouraged is to doubt
yourself, your competency, and your skill. It’s that feeling when you lose
confidence in yourself. The worst part of it is that it makes you
feel like you will never escape from your self doubts. It brings this hopelessness into your thoughts that makes you believe you can
never move forward. I hate it.
I’m the
type of person who gets encouraged and discouraged easily. My confidence level
goes zero to a hundred real quick, and back down again. There are times I feel
like I can take on the world. I’m invincible and nothing can stop me. I get
flooded with thoughts like: “I’m the best writer that ever lived” (a nice lie I
tell myself); “I’m a great worker, I totally got this” (hopefully not a lie); “I
totally have my life together” (not going to comment on whether this is a lie
or not). In those moments of feeling on top of the world, I truly believe all
of these positive thoughts.

The thing
with feeling discouraged is that it’s not always rational, kind of like encouragement
too. You can encourage a child all you want that they’ll be the next president
of the United States, but let’s be real – that’s not going to happen. It doesn’t
mean you stop encouraging them, though. They need it. In the same way,
discouragement, whether it’s your own thoughts in your head, or the words of
someone who doesn’t believe in you, are also not always rational. When you tell
yourself, “I can’t do anything right,” that doesn’t make it true. It’s just a
pile of thoughts and feelings that have a lot of power over us.
Even though
they are just words, it’s funny how some words are more powerful than others. If
you or someone else tells you that you can’t do something, and you believe it,
then it won’t matter if one hundred people tell you that you can do it. If one
person who you trust and respect tells you that you can do it, then it doesn’t
matter that one hundred people tell you that you can’t.

So, then
what does work? What pushes me onward when I don’t think I’m any good at
anything? Well, it’s different things. Sometimes, it’s the support of my loved
ones. Them just being there for me, listening to me even when I don’t feel much
like talking. Other times, it’s words from the right people. When I’ve felt
like an inadequate coach, I’d look at notes from my students telling me how
great I am.
The thing
that has helped me the most is this little quiet voice in my head that’s so
easy to ignore when I’m feeling down. It tells me to write, just write. Of
course the voice would tell me that. I’m a writer. Someone else’s voice would
probably tell them to pray, or dance, or paint. Mine tells me to write, whether
it’s journaling, working on my novel, or my blog. I like to fight this voice
and tell it that I don’t feel like writing. It quietly yells at me from a
distant place in the back of my head and tells me to just write. Even if it’s
bad, even if no one but me will ever read it, I just need to write.
So, I
listen to the dumb little voice in the back of my head, which probably isn’t
that dumb, and I write. And you what always happens? I always feel better. This
voice doesn’t always tell me to write. It’ll sometimes tell me to pray, or
spend time with my family, or go to the beach. This little voice seems to
always know what I need, and it’s my choice to listen or ignore it.

And just think, when you write, many people pleasantly exhale because your thoughts are refreshing.
ReplyDeleteYou have always been a great writer, you can do it, and you will...
ReplyDeleteThank you. I believe that too most of the time, but everyone gets discouraged once in a while. And thank you for supporting me all these years. It means more than you know.
DeleteDo my posts ever help you?
I always find appreciation in writings and works that come from the heart. You write what's on your mind and on your heart, and it's always an encouragement to see that perspective. And your topics are indeed thought provoking and helpful, especially since you give such in-depth objective information along with your own life application. Keep it up, the greatest and most fulfilling things cultivate with time. The seed was planted long ago, and no matter how fast the growth is happening for things to turn out the way you want them to, all you have to do is just keep watering. (♫just keep watering, just keep watering♫)
DeleteThank you. I'm glad you appreciate it. That's an interesting phrase: just keep watering. I like it
DeleteWell, and its just like I told you from Sister Act, if you wake up in the morning and all you can think about is singing, then you're a singer. If you wake up in the morning and all you can think about is writing, then you're a writer, and you should do your best with every opportunity you have,...to write. And each time you write you water that seed to cause that growth. Growth in experience, growth in skill, growth in recognition, and just growth in the general sense that more of your mind and heart are being shared through the words that you write.
DeleteSister Act? Really? lol, that's where you're getting this wisdom from. I haven't seen that movie in a long time. I've tried to find a secondary passion for a long time now, to you know, support me financially. But when I wake up, I just think about writing. There's nothing else I want to do more. Nothing that even comes close. What is that thing for you?
DeleteGoes back and forth between different things. But I have found that when you take a leap of faith to jump into what you love, even if you needed something else to support that love, your survival instinct to be successful at what you love takes over and helps you to thrive.
DeleteI'm that voice inside your head that you dont really want to listen to because its me but you know that I'm right and make alot of sense.