“A truly strong person does not need the approval of others any more than a lion needs the approval of sheep.”
Vernon Howard
I have a
friend who loves having the approval of others. She is deeply affected by her
parent’s opinions of her, cares a lot about her appearance on social media, and
just always wants to know she is liked by the people she cares about. She’s the
kind of person who will take a picture and ask, “Is this facebook worthy cute?”
She baffles me, because she’s such a confident person, who is not easily
brought down by negativity, yet she can’t help how much she cares about what
others think.

When faced
with the approval or opinions of others, I think there are four types of people:
1) I genuinely don’t care what anyone thinks, 2) I care about what people think,
3) I pretend like I really don’t care, but I really do care what people think,
4) I’m trying to not care what people think, even though I often do. To some
degree, we all care what others think, but have different ways of coping with

Michael J
Formica further explains that we all have an inside and an outside – “Our
interior landscape is our subjective experience of our authentic self, while
our exterior landscape is a product of our worldview.” We need to balance both
to live healthy lives. We need to look inward to truly be ourselves, but also
outward to learn about others and the world, and take into consideration the
beliefs and opinions of others. Both can be sources of growth, but if you go
too inward, you can stop caring about others and the world all together, and if
you go too outward, you can care too much.
To go a
little deeper, Formica says we have an essential nature and an ego-self. Our
essential nature includes our authentic self and values. Our ego-self is the
self-image, or social mask, we portray to others, and it is highly influenced
by others. It is a false self, “and it thrives on approval.” There are times
when the ego-self is appropriate, such as at work or professional settings, but
your authentic self is what you should always strive to be.
ego-self is what finally brings us to where are desire to be accepted, approved
of, and validated come from. It is fear based, meaning that we desire these
things because we fear being rejected. Our ego-self can change because it is
completely dependent on how others see us and want us to be. It’s a lot
more frightening to reveal your authentic self because if that person is
rejected, it will take a whole lot of effort and time to change who you are, if
you can change at all.

The best example
I can think of as someone who learned to care more about his self-approval is
my dad. He actually called me as I was researching this topic. When I told him
I was writing about why we care what others think of us, his response was, “Who’s
we? I don’t care what people think. It should be why some people care.” I
laughed, because my dad is among the most confident and self-assuring people I
know, but I know that even he seeks approval from others sometimes. I admire that
my dad started his own business twice, even though the first time was a
failure, and he had a lot of criticism about trying again. He didn’t let that
get to him. He cared more about what he wanted, his dreams and goals, rather
than the opinions of others. He told me once that even if no one supported him,
he’d still try running his own business because it has always been his dream.
Having support would make it easier, but not having it wouldn’t stop him.
But then I
remember the story of when he first started dating his wife. She didn’t want to
be with a guy who had tattoos, was gang affiliated, or drank a lot. My dad has
a past, so he fell into this category as a teenager, but left that lifestyle.
So, while trying to impress her and seeking her approval, he said he didn’t
have any tattoos. He had twelve tattoos at the time. He lied because he cared
about what she would think of him. He didn't want her to judge him as a bad guy just because of something superficial, because he was and is a great guy. We are all susceptible to others opinions of
us at certain times.
I think
that caring about what other people think can be healthy, such as at times when
you may be making bad decisions. You need the disapproval of others to lead you
back in the right direction. Also, positive approval from an employer or friend can be good motivation to let you know that you are doing a good job. But, you shouldn’t just rely on what others think
or say. Wells says, “If we remain dependent on external factors to feel
approved of, then we will always be emotionally vulnerable. Our self-esteem
would be in the hands of things that we have very little control over.”
explains, “Approval from others gives us a higher sense of self-esteem. We’re
convinced that their recognition matters to our self-worth and how deeply we
value ourselves.” The truth is that the path to finding self-happiness starts
with self-approval, which comes from self-acceptance. If you can’t accept
yourself, it won’t matter if anyone else accepts you. Wells says, “When you
disapprove of yourself, all the external approval in the world cannot make up
for it.” In my own life, I’ve cared a lot about what my family thinks of me. I’ve
always been considered “the good one” and “the smart one.” To lose that
reputation would have devastated me. But then I discovered that there were
things I wanted to do, fun things, freeing things, that I didn’t feel bad
doing. Some of my family members disapproved of my new lifestyle choices, but I
knew that I approved of my choices and decisions, that they made me feel more
free, happy, and independent, and that matters more.
You know it’s
a problem when you care too much about the opinions of others if it is limiting
your own happiness. I would suggest making a list of the things you want, and
the way you want to be. Then write down what people would think or say if you
did these things or acted that way. Then it’s up to you to determine what’s
more important, the fear of being judged, or the potential happiness of being
your genuine self.
p.s. If you want some help not caring so much about what other think, Life Hack is here for the rescue: 10 Clear Reasons Why You Shouldn't Care What Others Think
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