“Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.” – Victor Borge

It’s no
secret that humor is a valuable quality for both men and women when it comes to
dating, but each value it differently. I can’t stress enough the importance of
it. If you can really make me laugh, I’ll probably fall in love with you (or at
least I’ll really really like you). According to an EHarmony blog, they “looked
at data from 20,000 of our eHarmony members, and found that both men and women
listed “I must have someone who is sharp and can enjoy the humorous side of
life” as their most important Must Have.” So, basically a sense of humor is
like uber important to a whole lot of people.

That same
nerdy engineer who made laugh so much revealed to me that he had an insecurity
about being funny. He wasn’t sure if he really was, but I know he made a lot of
people laugh by just being his lame yet awesome self. Since humor is so
important in dating, I think it’s probably a top insecurity for a lot of men.
Knowing this, I’ve made many guys believe that they were making me laugh, when
I was just really making myself laugh (usually at them in a lighthearted way).
Male or female, making someone else genuinely laugh is not easy, and that’s why
there is a whole profession dedicated to it.
Greengross says,
“funny people do have more sexual partners, start having sex earlier in life
and are perceived to be more attractive in general.” Also important, he stated
that there is definitely a correlation between humor and intelligence, both of
which are highly valued by women looking for a good potential date. Interesting enough, Josiah Hesse disagrees with Greengross a bit. He argues that if this were true, why are so many male comedians hopeless in
dating? He also points out that he really likes funny women.
In Hesse’s article “Is being funny the ultimate aphrodisiac?” he talks to Denver standup comedian Jodee Champion, who
says, “I don't think it's as simple as: Man + funny = sex appeal… Sex
appeal can come from a dude being funny -- but only when combined with
swagger." Another comedian, Troy Walker, adds, “Like in college
admissions, it's one factor among many. She's looking at all these
applications; they're all college graduates, all good-looking, etc. But this
guy is funny, so he's catapulted past all these guys. But you have to have game
to keep her interested.” Humor will get you far, but humor alone is not enough.
Colangelo looks at the importance of humor in dating a little further by
comparing it to other valuable dating qualities in her article “The Funny Factor.”
Being funny beats being wealthy, “Unless you’re Bruce Wayne — you can’t beat
rich, charming and being a superhero.” Funny is more important than looks,
because looks can only last for so long before actual personality is shown.
Funny and intelligence tie, because “Intelligence wins her respect and humor
wins her heart — can't have one without the other.” The only thing women value
more than humor is ambition – “The ability to crack jokes doesn’t erase the
need for your girl to imagine a life with you — and a life without work and
goals is not going to be a life she wants any part of.”
So now that
we’ve established how important a good sense of humor is, what does it actually
mean to have one, and if you don’t have one, can you learn how to get one? Greengross
says, “A good sense of humor is about timing, the ability to say the funny
thing at the right time and to the right people… Humor is largely an
interpersonal activity that requires a high level of emotional, social and also
mating intelligence.” So don’t despair if it doesn’t come naturally or easy to
you. Apparently it’s kind of complicated. Theresa Fisher, who writes for Science.Mic, has pointers for being
funny, or at least making your date think that you are. You can click on this
link (How to Make Your Date Think You're Hilarious, According to Science) for
the full article, but I’ll just highlight a few pointers:
There are
four different styles of humor and a study set out to find which one is the
best for dating. Affiliative and self-enhancing are positive and adaptive, while aggressive and self-defeating are negative and maladaptive.
- Affiliative humor – “reflects the ability to enjoy humor with others, tell jokes, share anecdotes and so on.”
- Self-enhancing humor – “involves using humor as a coping mechanism—finding the funny in everything, and keeping a humorous outlook on life.”
- Aggressive humor – “involves disparaging others with humor by teasing, ridiculing and laughing at others’ expense.”
- Self-defeating humor – “when you make fun of yourself and generally use self-deprecating humor.”
The study followed 139
undergraduate students who were in relationships for an average of 19 months. Every
three days, they were asked to record how often they used each humor style, and
they had to say how satisfied they were in their relationships. Five months
later they were contacted to see if they were still in these relationships.

Along with
different styles of humor also comes different types, but I won’t get into the
list here, so you’ll find it on this link (The 10 Different Types of Humor).
Though having a sense of humor is important, having a compatible sense of humor
is the most important thing. When I meet a guy who has crude humor and likes
watching vulgar comedies, it’s an immediate turn off, though there are plenty
of women who find those things funny. I appreciate witty and quirky a lot more,
but other types also amuse me.

Peter McGraw says, “When people say they're looking for someone with a 'good'
sense of humor, they mean a well-matched sense of humor… You shouldn't just
have an arsenal of jokes that everyone finds funny. Tell the jokes you think
are funny, and if your date doesn't laugh, you're saving yourself from another
bad date.” He’s completely right. If you’re a guy, not every woman will laugh
at your jokes. If you’re a woman, you won’t think every guy is funny, even if a
lot of other people think he is. What I appreciated the most about that nerdy
engineer and my first boyfriend was that they were funny because they were just
being themselves. They weren’t trying to impress me (well maybe sometimes).
They were just comfortable and confident enough to be themselves, which is the
most appealing quality about genuine humor.
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