"Life is a wall, you have to climb it by pushing others to climb over and you will be pushed as well." - Bernard Kelvin Clive
Not too
long ago, a friend of mine who is also a writer was surprised to hear that many
of my friends and family members read my blog. She was even more surprised when
I told her that they read most of what I write. My mom will read anything I let
her, and would read more if she could. My best friend has probably read almost
everything I’ve ever written. And then of course, there’s my writing friend who
meets with me often so we can critique each other’s work. I have a
lot of support when it comes to my writing. My writing friend let me know that
not everyone has that much support when it comes to their passions in life, and
that I am lucky. I don't think I'm lucky, but I am thankful.

I have been
broken. I have fallen hard. I have been depressed, wanted to escape, hated myself and others,
cried myself to sleep, and felt completely alone. But the truth is, I’ve never been alone,
ever. Growing up as an only child, I desperately wished for a twin who I could
share everything with and who would completely understand me. Now by age 22, I’ve
had several.
There’s my
best friend Melissa, who’s been there for me since the first grade. We’ve
always had each other, and though we’ve fought like crazy, and even hate each
other most of the time, we’ve never abandoned each other. Then there’s my other
best friend Andrea, who now lives with me and takes over my room half of the
time. She’s always been that friend who I can call any time of day or night and
she will come no matter what. And my third best friend (promise only got
three), Daniel, who always knows when I need a compliment and when to tell me
how stupid boys are. He also lets me know how much I deserve, and still calls
me fat (of course out of love). These three have been in my life from ten to
sixteen years, and I love them for always being there for me and supporting me in
everything I do.
My family
have always been a strong support in my life in many different ways. They talk
to me, and listen. They tell me to pursue my dreams and praise me for how well
I do. They are not always a positive encouragement, but their intentions are
always from a caring place. My uncle Sammy has surprised me by his support for
my writing in particular. For most of my life, he thought it was unrealistic
for me to pursue writing, yet he's always told me to do what I love. Now, he shares my blog, and even encourages me with my writing.
He’s also supported me in many other different ways, and been like another
father to me (though I swear I have a whole family of parents). I’m very cared
about in my family, like everyone else is, and I am so thankful to have a
family that loves and supports me so much.

There are
countless others who have supported me throughout my life, and they all mean so
much to me, but to include all of them would make this blog infinite. I will
add that it means so much to me to find out an old friend still reads what I
write, and it means a lot whenever someone new also reads it.
I am who I
am today, in the place I am today, with a positive outlook on life and so much
love I am overfilled, because of all the support and love I’ve always had. I am
loved and I am thankful.
who are you? your hair is ugly! and i dont even like you or ever talk about you!
ReplyDeleteMy beautiful angel.....you are my heaven!