“Every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually being re-directed to something better.”
Steve Maraboli,
Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience
If you have
ever dated, you’ve been on both ends of rejection. You have done the rejecting
and been rejected. Both suck. I’ve definitely had my fair share of both, and it
just seems like there should be an instruction manual on this kind of thing.
Apparently though, there kind of is. When I was researching the hookup culture
a few months ago, I came across an article on the website Ask Men (which I can’t find anymore) about how to get rid of a girl
you’ve been hooking up with. I was so horrified after reading it that I thought
it had to be satirical. This couldn’t really be the advice that men give other
men. Then I read through the comments, and my hope was squashed, because other
men were thanking the guy who wrote this article for his wonderful advice.
advice, which I’ve heard from plenty of men and read elsewhere, included
ignoring the girl, avoiding her, not replying to texts, showing up at parties
with another woman, etc. Since this advice was for people hooking up, it also
included things like, after you sleep together don’t cuddle with her, don’t make her breakfast, don’t walk her home, don't acknowledge her in public. A lot of things that make women feel worthless
and used.
understand why this advice exists and why it’s so widely circulated. Women are
the craziest freaken creatures on the planet. I know. I’m one of them. We twist
everything a guy says. We analyze every little detail about his actions and
words. We make a big deal out of nothing. We cling, we’re emotional, we’re
moody, even bipolar sometimes, and we hardly ever make sense. I totally get why
men would want to get rid of girl who is not only crazy, but who he has no
interest in dating.

It’s taken
me a long time to learn that lesson – to just move on when a guy doesn’t want
me. Women don’t like to believe that truth. Instead, when a guy starts doing
things like ignoring and avoiding them, they make excuses as to why. Every
woman has done this. Every last one. “Oh, he stopped talking to me… he’s
probably just going through something. He says he’s not ready to date right
now. So, I’ll just give him time. He avoids me whenever I see him. Maybe he can’t
confront his true feelings for me.” This is what we think! It’s crazy and
illogical, but it’s what goes on in our emotional little heads.
The best
example I can think of for myself happened about a year and a half ago. Though
I’ve dated quite a bit, there have only been three guys that I was crazy about.
I met one of those guys last year. Now when I say crazy, I literally thought we
were soulmates when I first saw him. I even told my friends, who for some
reason didn’t tell me I was crazy. They really should have. When we first met,
I could tell he was interested, too. We exchanged numbers and he kept me laughing
for hours over text (a task no other guy has accomplished). I liked him a lot
very quickly, and he told me he was surprised that he liked me so much so fast
too. For about a week, it seemed to be heading in a very good direction.

I didn’t
have to wait months, because after about two or three weeks, he started saying
things like, “I’m not ready for anything right now. I want my freedom. I haven’t
been single for so long. I want to be unattached.” So many red flags. When he
told me these things, I thought, “Okay, he’s not ready for anything right now. So, I’ll wait. We like each
other so much that I can just wait until he’s ready.” Then he slowly started
ignoring and avoiding me over the course of the next month. We worked together,
so it wasn’t like he could just stop seeing me completely. He stopped texting
me, didn’t reply to many of my texts, talked to me less and less at work. These
were all very clear indicators he just wasn’t interested anymore. But no, I
just figured he needed space right now and I would try to give him that. Still,
it was the most painful and confusing couple months, because I kept holding on
to what he had told me at first – that he liked me a lot.

So, this
advice is for the all men out there who have ever wanted to get rid of a girl
he isn’t interested in. This is how I wish a guy would reject me. During those
two months I was pining after a guy who didn’t want me, I wouldn’t go away. I
mean, I like to think I wasn’t creepy, but I always wanted to say hi to him, or
call once in a while hoping he’d talk to me. He was doing all the things that
guys advise other guys to do, but I just wasn’t getting it. Because I’m a crazy
girl like all the other ones out there.
What I wish
he would’ve done is just tell me straight out, “I don’t like you anymore. I
found someone else.” Ouch, those words would’ve hurt, but I would have left him
alone after that. The thing is, of all the advice I hear that guys give other
guys about how to get rid of a girl, it’s hardly ever to just tell her
you’re not interested. It’s easier to ignore and avoid her. But that isn’t
going to always work. More likely, it will eventually work over a very very
long period of time, during which she will harbor hope for your wedding one
day. Why not just end both yours and her misery early on and say the truth?

Along with
that reason is that guys think girls can’t take that kind of honesty, which is
just insulting to me. I like to think of myself as a tough cookie. Just the
other day, I was talking with my friend about her recent break up, and she told
me that her ex said he doesn’t think he ever loved her. So, I told her that he’s
right. He didn’t love her. She was with this guy for four years and she loved
him, so those are some painful words. But, I knew she needed to hear them so
that she wouldn’t hold on to the thought of being together again. Also, I knew
she could take it. And she did. She didn’t fall apart when I told her. She took
the words in knowing they were coming from a good place and from someone who cared about her. But, when I told her
of my boy troubles, she wanted to sugarcoat everything for me, which is what a
lot of girls do because they don’t want to be mean. It’s not mean to be truthful
– it’s helpful and caring! She didn’t need to hear, “He didn’t mean what he was
saying. Just give it time and you’ll be together in the future.” No, she needed
to hear the truth so she could move on. It’s cruel to give someone false hope.
Likewise, I get offended when people, whether my friends or not, don’t give me
their honest opinion about a situation. Women aren’t weak. We can handle it.

Now, of
course, there is a proper way to be honest with someone. I’ve actually had
numerous guys tell me that I had given them the nicest rejection they’ve ever
had. I’m a very honest person, but not cruel. If you’re not interested in
someone, you can simply tell them that. There doesn’t need to be anything
extra, such as, “You’re fat. You’re a jerk. I don’t like the way you dress. You’re
batsh*t crazy.” Just a simple, “I’m sorry, but I’m just not interested in you.” If you want to be extra nice about it, you can add, "You deserve someone who wants you and really likes you. You can do better than me." Or there's my tactic, "You seem like a really great person, but just not what I'm looking for."

There may
be times when you’re completely honest with a woman and she stills clings to
you. I apologize for these times. Some women just don’t get it. I met a woman
once, who was in love with the father of her child. He didn’t love her, or want
her at all. He told her the meanest things, too, but she stuck around because
she said she loved him so much. Even though he told her he hoped she’d die,
that she would go away forever, and that he would never love her, she clung to
him. For these kind of situations, I’m not really sure what to offer besides
end all contact and communication. Once you’ve been honest, and she still won’t
let go, then you can go onto the ignoring and avoiding tactic, but don’t start
with that one please.
My best
friend and I were talking about our first loves this past weekend, and she told
me she was thankful for how he ended it. Even though it’s been so hard to move
on from him, she’s thankful that he told her he didn’t feel the same way
anymore, and then cut off all contact. He left her life completely, which
allowed her to accept that he didn’t want her anymore. Which brings me to my
last bit of advice. After being honest, let your actions follow your words.
Women will hold onto anything they can. “He said he doesn’t like me, but he
still texts me all the time. He ignores me sometimes, but last night we were
laughing and talking all night. He stopped talking to me for weeks, but at the
party he got drunk and kissed me, so he must still have feelings for me.” Again, you don’t need to be mean about it, but if you don’t want her around,
then stop talking to her. If you want to still be friends, then make sure you
tell her you don’t see her that way, and emphasize how you value the
Every woman
is not the same. This advice won’t work on all of us, but it would work on me
and many others I know. I think the biggest reason men hardly ever just say
they aren’t interested is because they are cowards. Don’t be a coward. It’s
beneficial for both you and the girl you’re trying to get rid of if you are
just HONEST.
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